Safer Spaces Policy

At Brighter Sound we believe it is important to create spaces that are welcoming, engaging and supportive. Spaces where everyone is able to be themselves, but also where abuse and discrimination are not tolerated.

We recognise that this is a collective responsibility, and that we are all responsible for our own behaviour and actions. We expect everyone to show consideration and to be aware of how their actions and language might affect the people around them.

We have a zero-tolerance policy to all forms of abuse and discrimination including, but not limited to, racism, ageism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and prejudice based on ethnicity, nationality, class, gender, gender presentation, language ability, asylum status or religious affiliation.

In our spaces we agree to:

  • Work together to foster a spirit of mutual respect
  • Listen respectfully and give each person the time and space to speak and share their thoughts and ideas, without interrupting
  • Recognise our differences. We all have different lived experiences, and our views may differ as a result - that is OK
  • Never make assumptions on the lived experiences, opinions or identifications of others. These may not be known, or visible
  • Bring an awareness of the space we hold, the positions and privileges we bring (including racial, class and gender privilege) and how these may affect others
  • Recognise that we can be an ally, without being an expert, and that there will always be things we don’t know
  • Treat personal sharing confidentially
  • Respect physical and emotional boundaries, including getting explicit verbal consent before engaging in any physical contact or crossing personal boundaries

These agreements are shared by anyone who engages with Brighter Sound, either offline at our projects and events, or online via our social media channels and events hosted on Zoom, YouTube or other platforms.

If you do not feel safe in a space that we have facilitated, for example, if you experience discomfort, are concerned about someone else’s wellbeing, find something triggering or need immediate support or assistance, please speak to a member of the Brighter Sound team. Be confident you will have our support and trust in these kinds of situations. Anyone who raises an issue will have agency in the resolution chosen. 

As an organisation our mission, vision and values are underpinned by a commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, with much of our work specifically focusing on supporting marginalised and underrepresented communities. However we recognise that we are not ‘experts’ and there is always more to learn. This policy is a live document, not an exhaustive list, and can change and adapt as necessary. If you have any thoughts or comments, please get in touch and help us make our spaces safer for all.


Creating a safe and welcoming environment, where everyone is respected and valued, is also at the heart of our safeguarding approach. Please read our Safeguarding Policy for more information.

Safer Spaces Policy