Reverb is for you if you want to:

  • Meet and collaborate with other musicians your age
  • Develop skills in songwriting, production or playing in a band
  • Create new music, or develop some of your own ideas
  • Perform live on stage

We'll support you to develop ideas and skills in a friendly, collaborative and supportive space.

Each session is led by your interests. Tell us what you want to do and we’ll get you set up.

If you’re looking to play with others in a band or have a go at production, we’ll have instruments and computers available for you to use. 

There’ll be opportunities to perform, but there’s no pressure. If you’d rather stick to working on tunes, and maybe recording some, that’s cool.

When and where

Thursdays, 6-8pm, on the following dates:

  • 25 January
  • 1, 8, 15, 29 February
  • 7, 14, 21, 27/28 March

We'd love you to come to all sessions, but it's ok if you can’t make every date.

The project will take place at Contact, Oxford Road, Manchester, M15 6JA. Visit Contact’s website for more information on how to get there.

The gig will take place on either Wednesday 27 or Thursday 28 March. We’ll confirm the date, time and venue as soon as possible.


Reverb is free to take part. 

To help you get to and from the sessions, we can cover your travel costs on public transport.

Fancy it?

Sign up using our Google Form.

If you're under 16, you'll need to ask a parent, carer or guardian for their consent.

If you'd prefer, the form can be completed over the phone.

Access information

Contact has step-free access through the front door. All rooms are accessible via a lift, with various accessible toilets. More information on their website.

Safer Spaces and Safeguarding

At all of our projects we aim to create spaces that are welcoming, engaging and supportive. Spaces where everyone is able to be themselves, but also where abuse and discrimination are not tolerated.

Read our Safer Spaces Policy for more information.

Our approach to Safeguarding is the foundation of our Safer Spaces approach. By Safeguarding we mean the wellbeing, and protection from harm, abuse and mistreatment of anyone who benefits from our work, team members and others we come into contact with. Anyone who is part of our team has appropriate safeguarding knowledge and an understanding of how to deal with safeguarding issues should they arise.

Get in touch

If you have any questions, or you are a parent, carer or guardian and would like a chat, please get in touch!

Give us a call on 07517 416017, or email Molly Graham at [email protected].


Supported by Contact, with funding from Youth Music, Arts Council England, Manchester City Council, GMCA and Foyle Foundation.
